Be congruent and request the same from the professional field partners 

Several cases have demonstrated that co-creation requires a different mindset on the part of teachers: if you wish to teach students to co-create, you must also be prepared yourself to enter into a co-creative process of exploration, in which you act as a fellow participant rather than as an expert. This may involve both participation at the micro level and participation at the meso level (cf. policy in place within the programme/higher education establishment/entity and student’s learning process) It is important in this respect to clearly explain the steps you are taking in the co-creation process, in order for the students to understand the reasons why. Adopting such a mindset can pose a challenge for teachers.

In addition to this mindset and the aforementioned competencies, /edit-systemwide_analyses_cocreation/3_1_visie_en_beleidthe participants to the system-wide analysis listed the following competencies as relevant to teachers aiming to teach students to co-create: being able to coach, encouraging informal learning, project management, being able to create a safe context (as an element of facilitating), being able to use alternative forms of evaluation (see below), networking, producing win-win situations. Higher education establishments that want to teach their students to co-create may address such competencies in their recruitment, staff, and professional development policies.

Embarking on a co-creative process of exploration with students may also require a mind switch on the part of the professional field partners. In many cases, they will need to adopt a more vulnerable attitude than they would in, e.g., traditional work placements. Checking in advance whether the professional field partners understand what co-creation involves, whether they appreciate its value, what scope of responsibility will be feasible for them, and whether they need support from the higher education establishment in learning how to co-create may help to achieve a co-creation process that is instructive for all the participants.

Odisee International Sustainable Management Summer School: 

Multi-disciplinary teams of (international) company managers, NGO managers, and (international) students at various educational levels (including working students) formulate sustainable solutions and recommendations to actual wicked problems submitted by businesses. Each summer, some ten international teachers provide guest lectures and workshops. The companies and the teachers are coached by the organising core team. The teachers are encouraged, for example, to refrain from presenting themselves as experts and instead to seek solutions together with the students and the companies involved. 

Odisee #fab4+1 project week:

Co-creative development of a project week, involving workshops that enable pupils in secondary year one to sample the four subject clusters and to discover their talents in relation to the clusters. The workshops were developed and presented at four schools by a mixed team of students and teachers from the schools. All the partners contributed to the process from an equal position. Rather than in a trainee capacity, the students collaborated as colleagues whilst teachers did not take on the role of experts responsible for setting the course. The project week involved a collective process of exploration, underpinned by the ambition of having the pupils choose an appropriate subject cluster. 

In addition, the participants indicated that occasionally, some expectation management will be required among the professional field partners (for example, expect a prototype rather than a finished product; take into account that the students are still learning).